Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy new year! 2010! Wow! Where does the time go? The past few years have gone by so quickly. It's coming up on 2 1/2 years of marriage for Jon and me, 3 years since we bought our
home, and 7 years of being together.
I am praying for peace for 2010. I pray peace in our economy, peace for those struggling, including myself, work for those are in need of work, and prayers for those who haven't met Jesus.
I am still struggling. It seems like each day is harder then the one before. I find myself crying more often, and that my faith is continuously being tested. I pray that 2010 is a better year than 2009.
I am praying for contentment in my life. I want to be happy for what I have and the blessings right now. I need God's help and hand to keep me positive in my own life, and not to long for what I don't have. I need to live day by day, and be peaceful with all the blessings that I do have. I am going to try very hard to make that my 'new years resolution.' May God bless you.

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