Thursday, December 3, 2009


If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

In my life right now, that question to him would be, "God why did you take my baby from me?"
I know he would answer me by saying, "becuase I made you strong and I know this is something that you and Jon can handle. I will provide all things for you, remember that."

This week has been so very difficult for me. My body is still recovering, but my mind isn't. My faith is being tested and I just cry because I am so upset, and lonley and mad at the world, and then that makes me even more upset. I've tried to be so strong through all of this, and I can't do it anymore. I want to wake up tomorrow morning and have this all go away, and I know it isn't. I want my baby back. I want everything to be how it was supposed to be. I want answers. I am burnt out.

And I tell you what, if one person asks me when I'm having children or why I don't have them yet, I'm gonna poke their eyes out.